Our Classes


Yoga is the practice of mindful movement that encompasses stretching, strengthening poses, meditation, and breathing exercises.

Yoga uses body, breath, and the senses to reconnect you with the universe. Through the yoga practice you are able to move emotions and thoughts into stillness.

So many wonderful benefits

  • Increased flexibility

  • Increased muscle strength and tone

  • Improved respiration, energy and vitality

  • Maintaining a balanced metabolism

  • Cardio and circulatory health

At Breathe we offer various types of Yoga classes along with our Blend Classes and beautiful Sound Healing Classes.


Developed by Joseph Pilates there is probably no piece of pilates equipment more famous than the Reformer and for good reasons. The Reformer makes a dramatic impression when you first see one, and an even more dramatic change in your body when you use it.

Reformer offers all the benefits of pilates, including overall strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. This all leading to daily life improvements like better posture, graceful and efficient movement, and for many, relief from physical imbalances such as back pain.

This is a fantastic way to develop your strength and flexibility. At Breathe we offer some great variations of classes from our Sweat, Sculpt and Reform sessions, along with our signature Blend Classes.


Mat Pilates is great exercise for overall strengthening and toning of your muscles while improving flexibility. It is also a great way to increase your cardiovascular endurance whilst relaxing your nervous system.

One of the greatest benefits overall is the core control and strength you gain from moving in such a dynamic and fluid way.

These classes are designed to leave you feel energised and relieved of your daily stress.

Try our Pilates Blend Classes to spice up your workouts.


Barre is a great full-body workout. A blend of Dance/Yoga/Pilates mixed together. The perfect full-body workout that's low-impact and high energy.

The beauty of Barre is you don't have to be a dancer or even know how to dance in order to reap the benefits. However, if you have ever wanted to feel like a dancer, this is your chance.

In a Barre class we use body weight and small movements to build strength and flexibility throughout your entire body. The ballet barre is an anchor to help to isolate muscles while working out.

Barre is low impact so it won't wear out your joints like other high impact workouts. It's great for toning muscles and building your endurance.

Barre is for all levels and helps you build proper technic and form with each movement.

If you're looking for more of challenge, our Sweat classes will take your training to the next level. If you're looking for a new way to change up your workout, try our Barre Blend classes which are designed to help you to build your strength and flexibility.


Ballet is a beautiful art form created by the movement of the human body. It is theatrical and can tell a story or express a thought, concept or emotion. Ballet can be magical, exciting and provoking.

At Breathe we offer both adults & children ballet classes. We believe it is important for both adults & children to express themselves through movement and ballet is a great way to start your movement journey. Learning technic and movement forms provides amazing benefits for the mind and body. We offer adult & children’s beginner class, so feel free to come along and try ballet or come back to ballet if you have taken lessons in the past. We are open to all ages and levels in our beginner adult classes. We do also offer an intermediate class in our Sydney location.